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This site PROMOTES the American Legion Riders of the 5th District of the Texas American Legion. The purpose of this group is to support the aims and purposes of the American Legion. Our group is sponsored by local American Legion Post 424 and works in conjunction with the Post to provide service to the community, state and nation. American Legion Motorcyclist are involved with many charities and Veterans issues. The American Legion Riders program has provided a lot of enjoyment for those members who share a common interest in motorcycling. Enjoy the site, and if you have any suggestions, go to our Contact page.

Picture Gallery
Check Out the pictures of our "Taking down the flags", at the National Veterans Cemetery.also, pics of the rodeo.

The Legion Riders meet at Post 424 Jack B. Swaim in Dallas. Our monthly meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month.

Membership Information
The American Legion Riders is open to members of the American Legion (Post, Auxiliary or S.A.L) who ride motorcycles (along with their spouses).For more information call (972)298-8204 or (214)882-5807and chech out our "Membership" page.

For New Rider Members
Rides are usually Sundays. Contact us for the next ride.

Pot Shots
This E-mail address allows you, as visitors to our site, to ask and answer questions about the site also maintenance, and technical problems with your bike. See "Tech Tips" page.
See Contact Page